Today was a little more than stressful for the move.
Getting my application complete for my
Zipcar, I had to have my driving record checked.
(Insert lead foot comment here.) I get an email saying that they can't find a record for me. Well, that's because you have my license to before the District, but not Colorado. (Which by the way, there's no selection for a state on the form.) OK, done.
Then I get an email around 1pm that says my driving record indicates that my license expires on my birthday in 2011.
My birthday? March 22. That's three work days.
When do I move? March 25. Eff. My. Life.
Having a three-day old ponytail and minimal makeup on (leftover) if I was going to get a new license that would last for a
decade, I would need to do something with this disaster.
Before I left work, I called the DMV to see what their records said to verify that my license wasn't lying.
Milton at the DMV (Cruel Office Space joke, much?) informed me that I would need to pay $2.25 for a certified copy of my driving record. If I needed to renew my license, that would be $21. Great, Milton, but can't you just tell me if I really need to renew my license? Milton chimed in that my license would be invalid after that date if I did. So, that's a yes or a no, Milton? It's an I'm going to be a stereotypical DMV employee and be completely ambiguous and frustrating. I have to go to a location. Awesome.
Rushing home for a quick blowout and makeup application, I get a call from Zipcar asking about the expiration. I told them what Milton told me and that I am completely confused as to why my license would read something different than the DMV. So the rep decided to look manually at the record and found a notation in an irregular place that indicates that my license is indeed valid until 2014 like it says and I'm a legit Zipster.
So, a minor coronary later, I am set up to drive the Zipcars and I had an extra couple of hours this afternoon to pack (read: nap).