Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fountain of Youth

This town is a veritable Fountain of Youth. Sure, all the politicians that come here look worse for the wear because they work long hours at procrastinating, making long winded speeches and campaigning (based on observations from satire columnists and Legally Blonde 2), so they don't necessarily look young.

For me, however, everyone thinks I'm fresh (or only ripe a couple of years) out of undergrad. I had to explain to one person that when I said, "I graduated in 2004," that I meant from undergrad, not high school. And then the wheels start spinning and they ask if I'm a kid genius (duh). Then I have to explain even further that I graduated undergrad in 2004 at 21 and earned my Masters in 2008. The wheels keep spinning, and that's when they realize I'm not 22-24, that I'm in my late 20's.

Which, considering it was suggested to get Botox and Restalin in Denver, I'll take this.

I also catch myself realizing that I have a ridiculous amount of responsibility and my life is so different from when I was 22-24. I'm, like, a grown up. Well, a grown up that watches kids movies on the reg, talks in abbreevs, and play kickball. Whatever, I'm not the same.

So, if you're looking for a little boost in your self-esteem at your age, I suggest a trip out here to DC to recharge those batteries. It's better than Botox.


  1. I think it may only work on those who have recently arrived in the District...but you should soak it all up while you are here!

  2. Plannin on it you young looking ave Height drink of water, you!

  3. Tagged you in a post...
